Naturally Produced Extracellular Matrix Inhibits Growth Rate and Invasiveness of Human Osteosarcoma Cancer Cells

V. Ivanov, V. Ivanova, M.W. Roomi, A. Niedzwiecki and M. Rath
Matthias Rath BV, Santa Clara, CA 95050

Presented at: 
American College of Nutrition Symposium on Advances on Clinical Nutrition, Long Beach, CA, September 30-October 3, 2004.

Published in: 
ACN Symposium on Advances on Clincal Nutrition Proceedings, Abstract #49, pg 465.



Enhanced supplementation with certain naturally occurring nutrients and vitamins has been associated with a reduction in occurrence and progression of human cancer. The exact mechanisms of this action are still under investigation. Extracellular matrix (ECM) plays a key role in the development of cancer. Therefore, we studied whether nutrients could exert anti-cancer effects through alteration of ECM biological properties. The results demonstrated that the ECM produced by normal fibroblasts treated with a mixture of ascorbic acid, lysine, proline, arginine, cysteine, and green tea polyphenols significantly reduced the growth rate and invasive activity of osteosarcoma cells in contrast to the non-supplemented control. We conclude that anti-cancer effects of nutrients involve beneficial changes in ECM biological properties.