Do you have Multiple Risks for Heart Disease? MICRONUTRIENTS CAN HELP

02 / 24 / 2014

Approximately 40% of the world population and almost one in three adults in the US have high blood pressure, which in individuals with additional genetic predisposition to heart disease greatly increases their risk of heart attacks and stoke. According to the World Health Organization, heart disease contributes to 17 million deaths worldwide each year, including 4 million deaths in Europe and 600,000 in the US.

Despite ever increasing prescriptions for high blood pressure and cholesterol reducing medications, cardiovascular disease is expected to increase to 40% by 2030. This is because conventional medicine does not address the root causes of these conditions, but focuses instead on the mechanical lowering of blood pressure or cholesterol readings with highly profitable drugs.

 According to our research, the underlying cause of these conditions is a long term deficiency of micronutrients which causes high blood pressure and increased demands for cholesterol as a repair factor for nutrient starved heart arteries.

In our study, we used a unique animal model that mimics the risk of heart disease in humans by combining two critical risk factors: high blood pressure and genetically based predisposition to high cholesterol. Animals with these extreme risk factor profiles benefitted significantly from dietary intake of micronutrients consisting of vitamin C, lysine, proline, and others. Dietary intake of this micronutrient mixture resulted in:

• 60% reduction of fatty deposits in the artery walls
• 31% decreased severity of atherosclerotic lesions
• 66% lower plasma LDL cholesterol and 32% lower total cholesterol
• Reduced artery wall ‘tearing’ and blood clot formation thereby reducing the risk of blocking blood flow in the arteries of the heart and brain.

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 Severe lipid deposits (red areas) in the artery of a mouse consuming normal diet

The artery from a mouse receiving micronutrients in a diet was healthy, without fat accumulation

An aortic aneurysm (ballooning and rupture of the abdominal aorta) is a major cause of death in the elderly. Our study proved that the animals receiving micronutrients had 13% fewer abdominal aortic aneurysms and tearing of the aorta (due to stronger arteries) than those on control diets.

These compelling results prove the efficacy of this micronutrient mixture in simultaneously affecting biological mechanisms associated with these extreme risk factors for heart disease. It is time for wide application of this knowledge.

V. Ivanov, et al., Molecular Medicine Reports 2010(3):417-425




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