09 / 29 / 2023

Healthy and well-balanced nutrition can unlock the full potential of your mind and safeguard your cognitive well-being.

The brain is a marvel of complexity and relies on nourishment to thrive, to produce energy, and synthesize neurotransmitters and maintain their balance in the body. It needs nutrients to synthesize and regulate various hormones, produce and repair nerve synapses (the connection between two neurons) and the myelin sheath (the protective covering around the neurons). The brain also requires a healthy blood-brain barrier which controls the passage of substances between the bloodstream and the brain.

11 / 03 / 2022

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), or ubiquinone, is a fat-soluble compound produced internally in humans and animals, but often in limited amounts. The name ubiquinone reflects “ubiquitous” presence of this compound in all living beings and its chemical structure containing benzo ”quinone”.

CoQ10 is required in smaller amounts as compared to many vitamins and minerals, however, it is essential for healthy function of all tissues and organs in our body. It is an important cofactor in the mitochondrial energy cycle to generate bioenergy molecules (ATP) through aerobic respiration in every cell.

09 / 22 / 2022

With life expectancy increasing all over the world, there is a significant increase in age-related health issues. Complications related to cardiovascular disease, cancer, and dementia are some of the most common causes of death in adults over 65. September is World Alzheimer’s Month, an annual campaign promoted by Alzheimer’s Disease International.

12 / 10 / 2014

A primary brain tumor is a highly aggressive type of tumor originating from brain tissues. Secondary brain tumors are the tumors that spread to the brain from cancers originating in other parts of the body (such as melanoma, the lungs, breasts, kidneys, and colon). The US estimates 23,380 adults will be diagnosed with primary brain tumors in 2014 and approximately 14,320 adults will die from those tumors. European statistics reported 57,132 cases of malignant brain tumors according to a 2012 statistical report.