04 / 16 / 2014
Contrary to common belief, arthritis or joint pain is not limited to the elderly alone. More than two-thirds of the arthritis patients in the US are under the age of 65 and some are children. Currently 57 million adult Americans suffer from arthritis and the number is projected to increase to 67 million by 2030. Worldwide, it is estimated that more than 10% of men and 18% of women have symptomatic osteoarthritis.
04 / 09 / 2014
Everyone is at risk of fracturing a bone from a fall, sport activities, or a car accident and it is all the more likely to happen to people suffering from osteoporosis. Bone fractures are one of the most painful injuries and require a lengthy recovery time. The most common bone fracture, especially in active adults and children, is a broken leg, and often involves a tibial (or shinbone) fracture. In the US, approximately 492,000 tibial fractures are reported every year resulting in close to 400,000 hospital days. The usual time for healing a tibial fracture is 12 to 16 weeks. However, this is often delayed due to a high incidence of complications requiring strong painkillers for the patient. In European countries, osteoporosis related hip fractures were reported to be 620,000 according to a 2010 report.
04 / 02 / 2014
The term “connective tissue” is frequently discussed in association with skin or joint disorders, and many people are not aware of how important it is in other chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Over 90% of cancer deaths are due to the extensive spread of cancer (metastasis). Cancer cells metastasize by breaking the connective tissue barrier that surrounds them. The strength and stability of connective tissue depends on an optimum production of collagen fibers and the prevention of uncontrolled tissue destruction. An abundant availability of several micronutrients, especially vitamin C, and the amino acids lysine and proline, is essential for this function. Unlike most animals, humans are not capable of internal production of vitamin C and lysine. Yet, most of the cancer research is conducted on mouse models that do produce vitamin C. To overcome this barrier, our research institute utilized a special type of mice that mimic human metabolism in respect to the lack of internal vitamin C production.
03 / 27 / 2014
Angiogenesis is a physiological process in the body where new blood vessels develop from the pre-existing blood vessels. An ability to form new blood vessels is necessary for healthy body function and repair (i.e., wound healing). However, this process is high jacked by cancer cells to support faster growth of tumors and the spread of cancer.
03 / 17 / 2014
Prostate cancer is the leading cancer in men, and one in every six will be diagnosed with it in their lifetime. Worldwide, it is the second most common cause of cancer related deaths in men in the developed countries. An estimated 12 million new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed each year.
03 / 10 / 2014
About 140,000 people will receive a terrifying diagnosis in 20141: “You have colon cancer.” Colon cancer, known as colorectal or bowel cancer is the third most common cancer and the third leading cause of cancer related deaths in the US. Worldwide it is responsible for over 600,000 deaths. The annual cost of cancer care for a patient with metastatic cancer can reach $310,000, financially devastating a person and the family.
03 / 03 / 2014
Inflammation, with known symptoms of redness, feeling of heat, swelling, and pain is a natural body response to injury such as sunburn, a cut, infection or a twisted ankle. It is necessary for the healing process and subsides after a short time. However, long lasting chronic inflammation has detrimental effects in the body and has been associated with a wide variety of diseases like heart disease, arthritis, asthma, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and cancer. The answer to inflammation is not an easy one and cannot be found in the form of pharmaceutical preparations.
02 / 24 / 2014
Approximately 40% of the world population and almost one in three adults in the US have high blood pressure, which in individuals with additional genetic predisposition to heart disease greatly increases their risk of heart attacks and stoke. According to the World Health Organization, heart disease contributes to 17 million deaths worldwide each year, including 4 million deaths in Europe and 600,000 in the US. Despite ever increasing prescriptions for high blood pressure and cholesterol reducing medications, cardiovascular disease is expected to increase to 40% by 2030. This is because conventional medicine does not address the root causes of these conditions, but focuses instead on the mechanical lowering of blood pressure or cholesterol readings with highly profitable drugs.
02 / 24 / 2014
Selecting the most effective supplementation is not an easy task. Especially considering that most of the nutritional supplements you find on the store shelves are either individual compounds or randomly combined ingredients, often selected according to marketing trends. Our research has introduced a new principle in modern nutrition, which is based on the proper selection and correct combinations of micronutrients, maximizing their desired biological impact. We call it micronutrient synergy.
02 / 17 / 2014
Lung cancer, the most common cause of death from cancer worldwide, was responsible for nearly one in five (1.38 million) cancer deaths in 20081. In 2012, about 1.8 million new lung cancer cases were diagnosed. Current therapies are ineffective, highly toxic, and over half of all patients die within one year of being diagnosed. The five-year survival rate of only 3.5% has not improved over several decades. There is therefore an urgent need to change the direction in cancer research and develop new, original and safer approaches.
02 / 12 / 2014
Influenza (flu) is a common viral disease affecting up to 20% of the world’s population. In most cases, the flu is benign, but it can also have serious consequences especially in people with compromised immune systems, the elderly, and children. It is estimated to cause 250,000 to 500,000 deaths worldwide each year1. The flu virus easily spreads through the air or by direct contact. In most cases, simple measures such as frequent hand washing and good nutrition are effective in preventing the flu. However, every year media fuelled campaigns promote influenza vaccination as the best protection against the flu. The influenza vaccine global market generates close to $3 billion a year and it is estimated to reach $4.2 billion by the end of 2014. Despite aggressive marketing it has been difficult to prove the efficacy of the flu vaccine since the flu virus frequently mutates (changes) and resistance to the vaccines is very common.
01 / 20 / 2014
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) has become a worldwide epidemic and health threat. In 2012, about 34 million people worldwide were living with HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus linked to AIDS. In the US, 1.2 million people are infected with HIV with 50,000 new infections occurring every year. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that about 2.2 million new HIV infections occurred globally in 2012.
01 / 19 / 2014
In the US alone, 2.7 million people are at risk of a serious stroke and other health problems triggered by irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia. The most common form of arrhythmia is atrial fibrillation, which contributes to 80,000 deaths annually in the US. It is predicted that by 2050 as many as 12 million people will be affected by this condition. Treatment of atrial fibrillation is associated with tremendous cost for the patient and our health care system. The American Heart Association’s 2011 report states the government’s cost associated with treating atrial fibrillation ranges from $6-$26 billion a year. Atrial fibrillation occurs when the cells that create or conduct the biological electricity of the heart beat are not functioning properly. This can be manifested by rapid or irregular heartbeat, palpitation, dizziness and in severe cases shortness of breath, and chest pain. This condition affects the elderly, people with diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid abnormalities, or any type of heart disease, as well as younger athletes. In any form of irregular heartbeat, you should consult with your doctor. However, do not be surprised that conventional medicine cannot always identify the root cause of this problem, mainly because it misses the most common cause of…
01 / 09 / 2014
Skin cancer is a leading form of cancer in the United States and other industrialized countries. In the US alone 3.5 million new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed every year. Until now no effective treatment is available.The reason skin cancer is so wildly feared is not the skin tumor itself, but the fact that the cancer cells spread (metastasize) from the skin to other organs and eventually throughout the body. Nine out of ten cancer patients die not at the stage of a single tumor but during the stage of tumor metastasis.