Examples of Dr. Wong Ang Peng's Cancer Cases:

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1. Patient’s Name:
Wong Kon Fung (Malaysia)

Age: 32 years
Diagnosis: Left Breast Cancer (Infiltrating Carcinoma Grade III) -- Cyst in the right breast- 3mm
Date of Diagnosis: March, 2005
Conventional Treatment: Lumpectomy
Dr. Rath's Cellular Health™ Program: Started in March 10, 2005

Dr.Rath’s Cellular Health™ Program 
Dr. Rath's Cellular Health™ Program
March, 2005 Cyst in the right breast 3 mm July, 2005
No cysts or masses in the right or left breast


2. Patient’s Name: 
Rocy Chong (Malaysia)

Age: 46 years
Diagnosis: Fibroadenoma (hypoechoic mass lesion (10x5x5 mm)
Date of Diagnosis: June, 2004
Dr. Rath's Cellular Health™ Program: Started in November, 2004

Dr.Rath’s Cellular Health™ Program 
Dr. Rath's Cellular Health™ Program
November, 2004 Fibroade-
noma lump in the left breast (10x5x5mm)
December, 2004 Medical exam stated that lump in the breast has been cleared


3. Patient’s Name: 
Soam Meng Chuu (Malaysia)

Age: 50 years
Diagnosis: Cervical Cancer Stage 2B
Date of Diagnosis: November 27, 2003
Conventional Treatment: Chemotherapy five cycles
Dr. Rath's Cellular Health™ Program: Started in March 11, 2004

Dr.Rath’s Cellular Health™ Program 
Dr. Rath's Cellular Health™ Program
March, 2004 Stage 2B Cervical Cancer December, 2005 No dysplastic or malignant cells seen on the Pap Smear