05 / 04 / 2023

You may be surprised to know that our skin is the largest organ in the body comprising 15% of the body weight. In addition to providing protection, regulating body temperature, and excreting toxins, it also uses sunlight to produce the important nutrient – vitamin D. Healthy looking skin results from a good supply of oxygenated blood and optimum collagen content. Changes in its appearance tell a lot about our internal health as various nutritional deficiencies, an unhealthy lifestyle, digestive, liver, and kidney issues, hormonal imbalances, inflammatory diseases, allergies, and autoimmune disturbances are visible on the skin. Therefore, skin health is essential for our overall well-being.

06 / 25 / 2016

The drugs intended to reduce blood pressure, correct arrhythmias and some forms of heart disease are the most commonly prescribed drugs in the US. One in every three adults, or approximately 75 million people, is diagnosed with high blood pressure in the US and many more have pre-hypertension. About 15 million people have some form of irregular heartbeats or arrhythmias. The most commonly prescribed drugs to treat these and other conditions are the so called “channel-blockers” or “agonists” which include calcium, sodium and potassium channel blockers. Worldwide sales of these drugs have reached $6 billion. In the United States, calcium channel blockers are the eighth largest drug class in prescription sales.

08 / 21 / 2015

The skin is not only the largest organ in the body, it is also a mirror of the health of the body’s internal organs. In addition to protection of inner tissue structures, the skin helps in regulation of body temperature and elimination of metabolic waste products. Many diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular, and nervous systems, and hormonal imbalances and inflammatory conditions are reflected on the skin. With approximately 20 square feet of surface area, the skin is primarily taken care of for cosmetic appeal. Thousands of skin care products cater to beauty and health conscious consumers who hope to avoid acne, discoloration and signs of aging, as well as skin cancer. It is estimated that the global skin care products industry revenue will be $102.3 billion by 2018.