Is the coronavirus making you anxious?

03 / 11 / 2020

The news about a novel coronavirus infection and COVID-19 spread faster worldwide than the infection itself creating concerns and fears. In most cases this infection generates mild flu symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, a sore throat and mild fever. However, in older people and those with weakened immunity due to other health problems, it can lead to respiratory complications with serious consequences, and even death.

As with common flu, we can get exposure to coronavirus via the droplets from the cough or sneeze of an infected person, or by direct contact with infected surfaces. Its spread can be prevented with very simple methods such as frequent hand washing, covering the mouth when coughing and sneezing and, most importantly, staying home when sick. However, these measures may not be fully successful without improving our immunity.

Currently, we fully rely on our immune system to protect us and control the coronavirus or other viruses including influenza. All available treatments help us to cope with some symptoms, but do not eliminate the virus. To help our immune system we need to turn to nutrition since the relationship between nutrition, infection, and immunity is well established.

Nutritional deficiencies are commonly seen in people with low immunity making them prone to infections. Micronutrient deficiencies can promote viral growth and accelerate its spread through the body. Micronutrients are needed for optimum functioning of the immune system including the production of white blood cells, antibodies and optimum function of the thymus and other immune modulating glands.

Supporting your immune system with a daily intake of a comprehensive micronutrient program is a basic and prudent measure. Particularly important in immune function and controlling some viral infection mechanisms are vitamin C, the amino acid lysine, the B group of vitamins, N-Acetyl-cysteine, and minerals such as zinc and copper.

During previous epidemics of bird flu or human influenza we were conducting numerous studies at the Dr. Rath Research Institute with a combination of specific micronutrients and particular types of viruses. We demonstrated that the micronutrients working as a team can suppress virus infection at its various steps. Specifically, vitamin C, lysine, and N-Acetyl-cysteine can block entry of the virus and prevent its multiplication within the cells. Vitamin C is also shown to prevent activation of “silent” viruses and limit the spread of infections by improving integrity of the connective tissue.

Currently, people with mild infection symptoms are encouraged to stay home and manage the symptoms with over-the-counter medicines. Only people with serious problems of lung infection such as breathing difficulties are given supportive care in the hospital. Such supportive care is only for the symptoms but not the virus itself. Since there is no effective treatment, researchers are now exploring all options to fight the coronavirus. This includes possible vaccines, drug treatments, and also intravenous application of high doses of vitamin C to infected individuals.

We should take advantage of our research results showing the positive in vitro and in vivo effects of a specific micronutrient synergy and vitamin C itself. Our published studies show micronutrient efficacy in inhibiting multiplication of human flu viruses by up to 82% and reducing infection of new cells by 70%. Even more, they are important in impairing enzymatic destruction of the body’s connective tissue, which is a natural barrier against the spread of viruses. Our micronutrient combination was effective when applied before, during, and even after infection with a flu virus.

Our studies also showed superior efficacy of the nutrient combination against the H5N1 (bird flu) virus compared the effects to Tamiflu® and other antiviral drugs. Micronutrients were superior in antiviral properties and their cell protective effects lasted longer than the drugs, and without any side effects.

With no immediate options against the coronavirus infection it is prudent to apply natural and safe measures with documented efficacy to support and improve immunity and stay healthy.



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