Effects Of Chlorophyllin On Fibrosarcoma

03 / 21 / 2019

Chlorophyll is a green pigment present in plants. It is called a photoreceptor pigment and absorbs sunlight. Chlorophyll is essential for food production in plants (photosynthesis) and keeping the plants healthy. Chlorophyllin is a water-soluble derivative of chlorophyll and is one of the most potent antioxidants. It neutralizes heterocyclic amines and aflatoxin, two of the dangerous free radicals that can occur in foods and can act as carcinogens. Heterocyclic amines are a potent risk factor for colorectal cancers. They are created when food is cooked at very high temperatures such as when food is processed, grilled, fried, or broiled. Aflatoxin is a fungus that grows on grains such as wheat, rice, corn and nuts, and it increases the risk of developing liver cancer.

Taking Chlorophyllin supplements help stimulate the immune system, reduce inflammation, detoxify the blood, cleanse the digestive tract, energize the body, and may act as an antibacterial and antifungal agent. Due to its antibacterial properties, Chlorophyllin is also used in many beauty products. Chlorophyllin may help to prevent cancer due to its properties of neutralizing carcinogens and reducing inflammation.

Fibrosarcoma is an aggressive cancer primarily developing in the ends of the long bones of the arms and legs. Because of the growing phases of the long bones, fibrosarcoma is common in children, adolescents, and young adults. It is highly malignant and rapidly spreads to other organs. According to the American Cancer Society’s statistics, approximately 13,040 new cases of soft tissue sarcomas (including fibrosarcoma) were estimated to be diagnosed in 2018, and approximately 5,150 people were expected to die due to this disease. Although the exact cause of fibrosarcoma is unknown, genetic mutations may play a role in its development.

The Dr. Rath Research Institute recently published a study showing the effects of chlorophyllin against fibrosarcoma cells.* The experiments were based on understanding key mechanisms of cancers which include uncontrolled cell multiplication, invasion of the basement membrane (connective tissue), and metastasis (the spread of the cancer).

Our study showed that chlorophyllin is effective against fibrosarcoma by inhibiting the growth and migration of these cancer cells. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) are the enzymes that cancer cells use to spread, and chlorophyllin completely blocked these enzymes. Consequently, the migration of the fibrosarcoma cells was 100% inhibited. Chlorophyllin may also kill these cancer cells in a natural way by triggering their death (apoptosis).

Although surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are most commonly used as cancer treatments, they do not cure cancers. Over 90% of all cancer deaths occur due to the metastasis of cancer. Therefore stopping metastasis is a critical step in eliminating the threat from cancer. Chlorophyllin, similar to other essential micronutrients, has a variety of anticarcinogenic properties and a potential to address critical steps in the development and spread of cancer.


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